Ethic code

Principles of Business Ethics of SCHOD CR Member Companies

The business activities of SCHOD member companies, whose objective is the purposeful, responsible and efficient participation in the manufacture of and trade in chemical industry products both in the market of the Czech Republic and the global world market, are based on the highest attainable standards of ethics and the observance of principles of fair competition.

I. In their business activities, the companies make the commitment to comply with the following basic rules :

  • 1. Unconditionally comply with the laws of the Czech Republic and refrain from any activities contrary to their letter and spirit.
  • 2. Base their conduct on the consistent performance of concluded contracts, agreements and obligations they have to their business partners.
  • 3. In their business, refrain from using any unethical practices affecting their business partners or intentionally causing harm to their competitors in the market, such as deceptive advertising, aggressive sale, bribery, illegal procurement of information regarding their competitors, agreements on product prices and placing, etc.
  • 4. Develop and offer products and services in appropriate quality and with high safety, environmental and health protection parameters.
  • 5. Pursue policies of continuous enhancement of all measures taken for the protection of health, safety and the environment in view of attaining better parameters than those required by laws in force, and provide the necessary assistance to entities which might be affected by the activities of each such company in this respect especially by adopting Responsible Care Programme.
  • 6. Warrant the quality of their products and services within the scope of valid standards, descriptions and declarations related to such products and services, and provide their business partners with all additional information necessary for the optimal and safe use of the products and services sold.
  • 7. Refrain from any efforts to engage, whether directly or indirectly, trained employees of other companies with the aim of gaining economic advantage and/or information to the detriment of the companies by which such persons are still employed, and refrain from employing persons who breached the principles of ethics when employed with their former employers.
  • 8. Direct their employees to act honestly, decently and with personal responsibility for the full compliance with these principles of ethical conduct, make known these principles to their employees and require their knowledge and understanding of any and all laws, regulations, rules and principles applicable to their respective activities.
  • 9. Secure appropriate working conditions and environment for their employees necessary for the compliance with these principles of ethics as well as of safety and health protection at work, and secure equal opportunities to all individuals irrespective of their age, race, religion, sex, sexual preference, complexion colour, etc.
  • 10. Perform their activities publicly and open to the public opinion, and disclose all information and data except for information and/or data which is subject to business secret, or whose disclosure might cause harm to the business interests of a contractual partner.
  • 11. Any breach of these rules of ethics by a SCHOD CR member shall be subject to proceedings under the following rules which constitute an integral part hereof.

II. Rules of Procedure Applicable in Events of Breach of the Rules of Ethics by Member Companies

  • 1. Each event of breach of the rules of ethics by a member company, including the description of the event, related documents, and indication of a witness (witnesses) who can testify the event, shall be notified by the affected company or individual to the SCHOD CR Secretariat in writing.
  • 2. The Board of SCHOD CR shall appoint a conciliation commission comprised of no less than three members which shall attempt to reach amicable settlement between the parties concerned. If the case cannot be settled amicably, the conciliation commission shall prepare a written proposal for the appropriate Board including a proposal of sanctions to be taken against the member company in breach.
  • 3. No representative of either the accused or affected company may be a member of the conciliation commission. Minutes shall be taken of each meeting of the conciliation commission and signed by all attendants.
  • 4. The following sanctions may be imposed:
    • 4.1 oral reprimand by the appropriate Board
    • 4.2 written reprimand by the appropriate Board
      In both cases the company on which a sanction has been imposed will be obliged to inform the appropriate Board in writing about the measures it has taken for the cure of the breach and avoidance of its repeated occurrence.
    • 4.3 In extraordinarily serious and, in particular, repeated cases, the membership of the company in breach of the code of ethics may be cancelled. Such a cancellation shall be approved by the general meeting upon proper substantiation.
  • 5. An appeal may be made to the general meeting within one month against the sanctions imposed pursuant to paragraph 4.1 or 4.2 above.